Tuesday, September 14, 2010

reminder: dont vote next year.

since this country is a plutocracy,run for, and by the ruling class, corporations, pentagon, etc
politicians, they arent JUST corrupt criminals, they are wealthy capitalists that love other wealthy capitalists.
and they love getting richer from amerikkkan imperialism, which means, more invasions, more occupations, yay! but don't fret, dems are exactly the same on foreign and domestic policy. what's a voter to do? not vote would be a great start. voting in, and only for a 3rd party, non corporate candidate, say, someone like ralph nader, is the only option.

well, no ralph this year.
the ONLY candidate i would vote for would be ron paul.
would be interesting if he were elected, would he really get amerika's 'troops' out of iraq, afghanistan. could he? nah

Monday, September 13, 2010

new term for ya: 'low information voters'.

i usually use; ignorant, morons, uneducated, twits, rwnj's. teabaggers, etc
first time i've heard this one. it's the 'softer side' terminolgy of the average americano voter.d'oh!

Friday, September 10, 2010

upside of hollywoods liberal feminist movies

i used to go a movie every week. i'm saving a bunch now, heres the script:
man bad_girl good_ men dumb_women smart( this,in spite of the fact men
are smarter)woman kicks the ass of 50 men( feminist fantasy)
endless garbage every week, and i appear to be the only one noticing.
critics wont touch the subject.

give the idiots what they want, i guess, but i miss movies, yknow,
with plots, acting, substance ,crazy shit like that.

now, in this matriarchy, all one gets is ass kicking girls,cgi crap,creeping
do I miss real sfx

Sunday, September 5, 2010

amerikkka leaves iraq. 'yay'!

ahhh fooled ya! surprise!
amerikka is NEVER ever EVER leaving its newest colony, iraq, or afghanistan either.
not this year, not next, and certainly NEVER under gop rule starting in 2012.
these unfortunate countries will be occupied for the rest of this century.
question is, will obama risk ww 3 by attacking iran, or will it be pakistan?( for our security, and the stabilizing of the region, naturally)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

oops. women now out earn men according to time magazine

uh oh, what we got here is a matriarchy, gents.

now, anyone with an i.q higher than a snail already knew, of course, that the wage gap was a myth, women work less hours than men, and in lower paying jobs/careers such as nursing, daycare, etc. you dont see very many female surgeons,or, say, petroleum engineers. yet feminist orgs are still crying about 'fairpay'. unbelievable.

but! young women now out earn men! its now official.

but will that fact stop wimminz bitching? uh, nope. feminism shows its true colors as NOT about equality, but supremacy.
with the help of this mancession, and the govt, naturally, they did it.

with the myth of the wage gap now officially destroyed( read the latest time mag, thanks) will n.o.w, rainn the aauw and other misandrist orgs that spread lies and propaganda shut down?

methinks not, even though they have achieved their goals(s)
women will always have some other canard to whine about.

they still have the old 1 in every 4 raped!

and 1 in every 2 a victim of domestic violence. thats fairly believable, 90 million women, lol.

better news! women report being the unhappiest they have ever been. uh oh
thats the one thing That i like about feminIsm. it hurts women also.

in our matriarchy, women will be earning all the money in the future while raising babies alone.

now, MAYBE, men have A REASON to get married again.
take these women for all they HAVE, house, car, alimony for life.

this could turn out to be a sweet deal for men.but, i'm not marrying any of these assholes myself though, thanks anyway.