Saturday, July 31, 2010

follow me on twitter as john_halder2011

as long as rainn, now,aauw, feministing, pixel project, heyjude408, 'chenoamonster' stop rape, etc etc,
keep on spreading their blatant bullsit lies like 1 in every 4 raped,
campus rape is rampant, the myth of the wage gap, recently blown out of the water by time magazine, women now out-earn men!

i'll be on twitter spreading the truth to radical feminist ideology, and imperialist amerikkka

'only women can stop rape'. i see this constantly. i get it, women are children and therefore have no control of their actions, and cant take responsibility for their actions.

cya on twitter!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

feminist shaming language words of the century: 'you have mommy issues'

i hear this around 28 times a week. and yes, i'm fully aware i'll be hearing it 100's more times in the future, lol. are all women trained this well? they surely seem to follow the script written for them to the letter!

i don't know whether i prefer-
'you have mommy issues',
-OR 'youre creepy' -OR
'youre a potential rapist',
OR -'youre a sociopath' .
can ANYONE even BE all those things? i've heard em directed at me thousands of times, if it's supposed to piss me off, it doesnt work very well. women are children, consider the source.

anyway, uhm, nope, i just couldnt stand the pathological compulsive liar, and neither i, nor anyone else, miss her at all. if you'd known my sweet mammie, you wouldnt have like her very much. she dumped her first 2 kids off at an orphanage, then went on to have more kids! who does that!?- a REAL sociopath. nope, no '' mommy issues'' here, i just hated her, and so did everyone else.

just because someone is 'blood' or 'family' doesnt mean that i or anyone has to love
or even associate with vermin.

update! went out to a bar last weekend. got into it with some chic i NEVER shouldve even said a word to, and she launches some feminist shaming language even i have never heard!
the bitch:'you have small hands, so that means you have a small penis'- quote end quote.
if this was some nice lil 3rd world country, id have killed her on the spot.darnit.

only my 2nd visit to a bar this year, and def my last trip to any bar, nuff said.

msg 2 conservatives: patriarchy wont ever return

sorry! under bush, feminism flourished. you convieniently forget that.
voting in rwnj tea party scum wont fix anything, and will, in fact, make it all much breaks for the wealthy, yes. jobs that are gone forever? no.
more foreign occupations and war crimes? yes under obama, and yes under any gop prez in the future.
GOTTA be a total moron to vote for anything but a 3rd party candidate.

bad news mens rights 'activists' ha.

conservative 'values'? no such thing.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

why is factually wrong

people, you need to study the government stats these feminist organizations toss your way.
you can't just take their word for it.

organizations like now and rainn rely on the u.s dept of justice's national crime victimization survey to insist that rape is rampant.
what these orgs do not publicize is that this survey, conducted by in -person and telphone interviews, defines rape as follows:

forced sexual intercourse, including both psychological coercion as well as physical force..
includes attempted rapes...attempted rape includes, verbal threats of rape. you need to scroll to page 131 out of 133 of rainns manifesto to find that definition.

'psychological coercion', of course, can mean all manner of things, including 'i'll take your mother to the doctor tomorrow if you make love to me tonight'
and that is NOT rape, in your state, or anywhere else.

it is astounding, and disappointing, that a government agency allows these issues to become so terribly politicized.

in my june post, entitled 'wave of false rape calims + false rape stats', you will see the truth concerning rape.

in those 2 links, you will see for yourself 2 independent, unbiased, impartial research studies that show fully 50% of all rape claims are false.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

american men deserve hypergamous women

nope, that's no typo.after much deliberation on this subject, i have come to the inescapable conclusion that you get the government you deserve, sacrificing what few freedoms you had for instance, at the alter of 'security' against a powerless enemy, and you get the women you deserve also.

it's a free country RIGHT? of, by and for the rich, er people, correct? if that's true, then you should be thrilled about feminism, and the feminist laws you voted in.ive also noticed a HUGE amount of neo-cons on the spearhead, fra, that seem to ACTUALLY believe feminism DIDNT advance under gop 'rule' and that, by voting back in some conservative scumbag like george bush, everything will magically be a o.k.

well you are most likely to get republican back in the white house in 2012, but, methinks you won't be happy with that outcome, especially if youre not at least a multi-millioniare. kinda DOUBT those 2 will restore the patriarchy, but vote anyway, you idiots.

naturally hypergamous, american/western women have just taken it to a new level, emboldened by the anti-male divorce laws, zero tolerance laws that land men in jail in the VAST majority of incidents, the vawa, biased dv laws you let pass by looking the other way at best, supporting at worst.for years, you fell for the media campaign to 'get tough on crime'! and now you have the worst cop pigs who lie even worse than women do! yikes! even simply cohabitation you can lose it all, if she decides to take you for it. whining on the internet won't work, in the exact same fashion as internet whining WON'T ( as if you care) get us out of these illegal foreign occupations

apathy doesnt work.

NOW youre angry, but you dont even organize?! you just bitch and complain on the internet,and after having spent some considerable time on several mra sites,i've witnessed a shit load of infighting and MALE shaming language, much of it directed at me!
no united front=no reforms, no change. and if you cant be in total agreement on the damn internet, no way would it ever happen in real life. meanwhile, misandry is taught at universities, and your 'answer? vote republican in 2012, WOW. really?

you guarantee radical feminism will triumph absolutely. and endless wars, natch.

if i were oksana grogoriava, i would no doubt take advantage of the anti-male media and laws, like she is doing to mel gibson- lie, cheat, extort, push those buttons as women were born to do, and hit the lottery!
madonna had to pay HER ex - $74 million. madonna marry me? i'd take that slut( no offence to her gay male fans) for everything i could get.

wall street boys do it EVERY day,& 'mens rights' 'activists', and not NEARLY enough people in general, don't whine about that.

this is what happens when you place money above everything, im not endorsing what shes doing,of course, but its very much to be expected

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

got righteous anger? like mel gibson has?

first, let me just say thank you jesus for nancy grace! WHAT would we do without her tireless man bashing? watch oprah? oh right. but, you gotta bash men at night too!

is YOUR sweetheart trying to extort mega bucks from you, and setting you up for some recorded phone calls?

are you angry about that?
that just means you have some serious mental illness.
that's right, it's all on YOU if youve been fucked over, shit on, ripped off.
you get rightfully angry, you will be classified: 'sociopath', 'anger problems', take a pill, get 'counseling'. mel has ''mommy issues''. etc etc

mel gibson is getting fucked over,( allegedly) by his lying russian gold digger and he got angry! can you say:
see a therapist, sheesh

i'm POSITIVE that you wouldn't be able to find one misandrist that doesnt agree that phone rants ALWAYS lead to physical violence. its like marijuana! a gateway drug. it STARTS with nasty phone calls that the man thinks are private( what nerve) and end in assault.

in fact, mel should just cut his former sweetheart gold digger/extortionist a check for $100 million, learn from this, and move on. give up custody to her, and walk away smiling.( like he has a choice?)to be fair, he's the one that left his faithful wife of 30 years for a new model. he easily could have, and should have, paid for the 5 grand an hour prostitutes.

rich, overpaid dudes! watch out for this new problem: women are actually saving sperm on clothing, taping private conversations, ( well, once again, to be fair to women, cops do that also) hey, fuck panning for gold, thats a back breaker i say.

now. mel is getting blasted all over the 'news'.and apparently his sweetie is claiming that SIX months ago, he chipped her tooth. he's womens new 'bad guy'.last weeks 'predator' was al gore, lol.
once, it was alec baldwin. remember that phone rant? 'OMG'. and nope, i'm not going to list 1000 other dudes, you know the rest of em.

so, never get angry. are you an iraqi, or afghani man who has had his entire family blown to bits by another american 'smart' bomb?
want revenge? youre a crazy terrorist.fundamentalist nut.ech

spent weeks, months, years in jail, prison, or just simply had your reputation ruined forever because of a false rape accuser? dont get pissed off.
youre nuts if you are.
GOTTA love big pharma and this bullshit psychiatric phenomenon.

righteous anger at the coppigs screwing you over? get thee to a shrink!

great news! oksana is single, back on the market. do you have at least $100 million? are you a movie star?
go for it!

i gotta say, in all fairness though, if you give women all this power, what can one expect? oksana lies, and makes a fortune. and, since that's ALL that matters anymore, i guess she's doing the correct thing. as a means of wealth redistribution, which i defintely endorse, it may just be an excellent idea. just imagine all the luxury goods she will buy with all that mel gibson money, helping to keep our consumer utopia intact. great huh?

paul mccartneys ex, heather mills, the shameless gold digger, took paul for 50 million pounds, but hes worth over $1 billion. he can afford it. i just wish she hadnt been such an over the top drama queen bitch about it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

women initiate 70-75% of divorces

the extent of the cheating women commit is slowly coming out. best read this:

STILL thinking of tying the knot?

first consider that she probably will take advantage of the anti-male, zero tolerance ,and unfair divorce laws so that you might just be paying alimony for the rest of your life.

since men allowed these laws to pass, and men didnt seem to care, you will get NO sympathy from me.

Friday, July 9, 2010

9-11: the win-win for big govt & gold diggers

o.k, so, you PROBABLY remember 911.
that was the day that america learned SOME people strike back.america was and is complicit in the rise of islamic fundamentalism.
unfortunately, that message, like columbine, was completly lost on the vast majority of dumbed down americans.

it was also the day a bunch of scumbag insurance adjusters got killed ,oh, boo hoo, ha. and, most importantly, a pile of cowardly copscum got wasted. later, they would be called 'heroes'?!. nah, wrong place, wrong time makes you either a chump or a victim. 'hero'? nope.
of course america brought it on themselves by it's benevolent, humane foreign policy: do as we say or: you get bombed_till_all_dead.

anyway, it ALSO happened to be a boon for the wives of the victims.
as joan rivers reminded everyone the other night on larry king, ALL the wives got at LEAST 5 million from suing well, everyone, from the 9-11 incident.
a win- win for some greedy bitches out there, husband gone- big cash made.
even ann coulter attacked these greedy bastards, wow.

and,of course, big government has used 9-11 not only to attack militarily defenceless countries, as long as they have oil, made the ruling class even MORE billions. and in addition 9-11 allowed, with the american peoples cooperation(!) the new 'security' project against americans, warrantless wiretaps, massive new cctv, legitimize torture, detaining people without charges indefintely ,fisa, dna collecting, email reading, endless warfare, etc. another 'win-win'!

gold diggers unite! you could really use another 9-11!

can one REALLY blame women for 'going for the gold' though? nah, i dont think so. that's the american way!
thats why my blog really IS fair and balanced!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

men: do NOT fall for online dating scams

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