Tuesday, July 20, 2010

american men deserve hypergamous women

nope, that's no typo.after much deliberation on this subject, i have come to the inescapable conclusion that you get the government you deserve, sacrificing what few freedoms you had for instance, at the alter of 'security' against a powerless enemy, and you get the women you deserve also.

it's a free country RIGHT? of, by and for the rich, er people, correct? if that's true, then you should be thrilled about feminism, and the feminist laws you voted in.ive also noticed a HUGE amount of neo-cons on the spearhead, fra, that seem to ACTUALLY believe feminism DIDNT advance under gop 'rule' and that, by voting back in some conservative scumbag like george bush, everything will magically be a o.k.

well you are most likely to get republican back in the white house in 2012, but, methinks you won't be happy with that outcome, especially if youre not at least a multi-millioniare. kinda DOUBT those 2 will restore the patriarchy, but vote anyway, you idiots.

naturally hypergamous, american/western women have just taken it to a new level, emboldened by the anti-male divorce laws, zero tolerance laws that land men in jail in the VAST majority of incidents, the vawa, biased dv laws you let pass by looking the other way at best, supporting at worst.for years, you fell for the media campaign to 'get tough on crime'! and now you have the worst cop pigs who lie even worse than women do! yikes! even simply cohabitation you can lose it all, if she decides to take you for it. whining on the internet won't work, in the exact same fashion as internet whining WON'T ( as if you care) get us out of these illegal foreign occupations

apathy doesnt work.

NOW youre angry, but you dont even organize?! you just bitch and complain on the internet,and after having spent some considerable time on several mra sites,i've witnessed a shit load of infighting and MALE shaming language, much of it directed at me!
no united front=no reforms, no change. and if you cant be in total agreement on the damn internet, no way would it ever happen in real life. meanwhile, misandry is taught at universities, and your 'answer? vote republican in 2012, WOW. really?

you guarantee radical feminism will triumph absolutely. and endless wars, natch.

if i were oksana grogoriava, i would no doubt take advantage of the anti-male media and laws, like she is doing to mel gibson- lie, cheat, extort, push those buttons as women were born to do, and hit the lottery!
madonna had to pay HER ex - $74 million. madonna marry me? i'd take that slut( no offence to her gay male fans) for everything i could get.

wall street boys do it EVERY day,& 'mens rights' 'activists', and not NEARLY enough people in general, don't whine about that.

this is what happens when you place money above everything, im not endorsing what shes doing,of course, but its very much to be expected

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