Friday, July 9, 2010

9-11: the win-win for big govt & gold diggers

o.k, so, you PROBABLY remember 911.
that was the day that america learned SOME people strike back.america was and is complicit in the rise of islamic fundamentalism.
unfortunately, that message, like columbine, was completly lost on the vast majority of dumbed down americans.

it was also the day a bunch of scumbag insurance adjusters got killed ,oh, boo hoo, ha. and, most importantly, a pile of cowardly copscum got wasted. later, they would be called 'heroes'?!. nah, wrong place, wrong time makes you either a chump or a victim. 'hero'? nope.
of course america brought it on themselves by it's benevolent, humane foreign policy: do as we say or: you get bombed_till_all_dead.

anyway, it ALSO happened to be a boon for the wives of the victims.
as joan rivers reminded everyone the other night on larry king, ALL the wives got at LEAST 5 million from suing well, everyone, from the 9-11 incident.
a win- win for some greedy bitches out there, husband gone- big cash made.
even ann coulter attacked these greedy bastards, wow.

and,of course, big government has used 9-11 not only to attack militarily defenceless countries, as long as they have oil, made the ruling class even MORE billions. and in addition 9-11 allowed, with the american peoples cooperation(!) the new 'security' project against americans, warrantless wiretaps, massive new cctv, legitimize torture, detaining people without charges indefintely ,fisa, dna collecting, email reading, endless warfare, etc. another 'win-win'!

gold diggers unite! you could really use another 9-11!

can one REALLY blame women for 'going for the gold' though? nah, i dont think so. that's the american way!
thats why my blog really IS fair and balanced!

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