Tuesday, July 13, 2010

got righteous anger? like mel gibson has?

first, let me just say thank you jesus for nancy grace! WHAT would we do without her tireless man bashing? watch oprah? oh right. but, you gotta bash men at night too!

is YOUR sweetheart trying to extort mega bucks from you, and setting you up for some recorded phone calls?

are you angry about that?
that just means you have some serious mental illness.
that's right, it's all on YOU if youve been fucked over, shit on, ripped off.
you get rightfully angry, you will be classified: 'sociopath', 'anger problems', take a pill, get 'counseling'. mel has ''mommy issues''. etc etc

mel gibson is getting fucked over,( allegedly) by his lying russian gold digger and he got angry! can you say:
see a therapist, sheesh

i'm POSITIVE that you wouldn't be able to find one misandrist that doesnt agree that phone rants ALWAYS lead to physical violence. its like marijuana! a gateway drug. it STARTS with nasty phone calls that the man thinks are private( what nerve) and end in assault.

in fact, mel should just cut his former sweetheart gold digger/extortionist a check for $100 million, learn from this, and move on. give up custody to her, and walk away smiling.( like he has a choice?)to be fair, he's the one that left his faithful wife of 30 years for a new model. he easily could have, and should have, paid for the 5 grand an hour prostitutes.

rich, overpaid dudes! watch out for this new problem: women are actually saving sperm on clothing, taping private conversations, ( well, once again, to be fair to women, cops do that also) hey, fuck panning for gold, thats a back breaker i say.

now. mel is getting blasted all over the 'news'.and apparently his sweetie is claiming that SIX months ago, he chipped her tooth. he's womens new 'bad guy'.last weeks 'predator' was al gore, lol.
once, it was alec baldwin. remember that phone rant? 'OMG'. and nope, i'm not going to list 1000 other dudes, you know the rest of em.

so, never get angry. are you an iraqi, or afghani man who has had his entire family blown to bits by another american 'smart' bomb?
want revenge? youre a crazy terrorist.fundamentalist nut.ech

spent weeks, months, years in jail, prison, or just simply had your reputation ruined forever because of a false rape accuser? dont get pissed off.
youre nuts if you are.
GOTTA love big pharma and this bullshit psychiatric phenomenon.

righteous anger at the coppigs screwing you over? get thee to a shrink!

great news! oksana is single, back on the market. do you have at least $100 million? are you a movie star?
go for it!

i gotta say, in all fairness though, if you give women all this power, what can one expect? oksana lies, and makes a fortune. and, since that's ALL that matters anymore, i guess she's doing the correct thing. as a means of wealth redistribution, which i defintely endorse, it may just be an excellent idea. just imagine all the luxury goods she will buy with all that mel gibson money, helping to keep our consumer utopia intact. great huh?

paul mccartneys ex, heather mills, the shameless gold digger, took paul for 50 million pounds, but hes worth over $1 billion. he can afford it. i just wish she hadnt been such an over the top drama queen bitch about it.

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