Friday, September 10, 2010

upside of hollywoods liberal feminist movies

i used to go a movie every week. i'm saving a bunch now, heres the script:
man bad_girl good_ men dumb_women smart( this,in spite of the fact men
are smarter)woman kicks the ass of 50 men( feminist fantasy)
endless garbage every week, and i appear to be the only one noticing.
critics wont touch the subject.

give the idiots what they want, i guess, but i miss movies, yknow,
with plots, acting, substance ,crazy shit like that.

now, in this matriarchy, all one gets is ass kicking girls,cgi crap,creeping
do I miss real sfx


  1. ...Skinny 98 pound women carrying 120 pounds of artillery - and of course, throwing 220 pound men around like rag-dolls.

    I agree - movies have gotten lame.

    However - I do not think it is "giving the idiots what they want".

    I think it is "letting the idiots MAKE what they want".

    I have heard on several occasions, hollywood directors complaining about the American Culture when their sh*t-movies do not pull in enough money. Quite entertaining at times.

    Who knows, once enough producers lose enough money, maybe they'll go back to making good movies again.

  2. yea, but the last few years have been banner money making years for hollywoods garbage.
    as long trash like resident evil( omg, twas wretched) keep bringing it in, both at the box office and off dvd sales and rentals,
    hollywood HAS no incentive to stop churning out this sludge.
    so, expect more lil girls beating the shit out of 200 pound men, and wiping out entire armies single handedly.
    give those feminist/misandrists the fantasy, ha.
