Monday, May 30, 2011

socialism/ 3rd party is the ONLY possible future for amerikkka

ron paul just said it: 'we dont live in a democracy' we need a 3rd party, they wont even let a 3rd party candidate in the debates! for example: ralph nader was not allowed.

but first,a seemingly endless amount of morons must understand that millionaires/billioniares are NOT your buddies and should not be admired, worshipped, respected.

they were born into that money, and NOPE they DONT open small businesses OR create jobs. in fact, they constantly think of new ways to ELIMINATE jobs.

they used to hang speculators centuries ago, and
i'm ALL for confiscating their money and lands and do some REAL wealth redistribution.
$100 million dollar homes?! really?

be nice to see some of that infamous 'trickle down' forced on them, the ONLY way it'll ever happen.

they get rich/richer from capital gains from your fixed, rigged wall street scam.
NOT by opening small businesses.

endless, permanent wars, dirty cops, permanent occupations of sovereign nations, kill teams, torture, a surveillance nation, a completely broken 2 party system, war criminals / corporate shills for presidents? wall street scum controlling the white house and above the law?

1 percent of the population controls 90 percent of the wealth? -thats all the proof you need to see that 'capitalism' is an utter disaster. this is not a democracy, it is a plutocracy people. wake up someday, will ya?

that what you want? i strongly advise not only NOT voting, except for some possible 3rd party( as if) in the future, but also not giving these candidates a fucking dime, they have corporation $$$$$$$$ now. they dont need your petty $250 bucks.

obama is now FOR everything he was allegedly against in his campaign, pure lying filth, not a communist or a socialist( i wish!) he's proven himself to be just another wealthy capitalist imperialist war loving dirtbag.

you can stop voting now. fuck voting for the lesser of two evils AGAIN next year.

and,as always fuck- the- troops! happy memorial day!

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