Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1 in 2 girls victim of domestic violence? o.k, lol i've got some 'wmd's in iraq to sell you then

i wish i had the liberty to just make shit up like now, rainn and other feminist sites do.
unfortunately,because i have integrity, and despise liars, being raised by one, i have to dig up ACTUAL, unbiased,independent research studies, like i did on my thread,'wave of false rape claims in orlando fl'.
this one doesnt need anything to refute though, 1 in 2 = 90 million.that says it all.

domestic violence laws, divorce laws, child custody and sex crimes laws with their draconian penalties, all were passed with the complicity of the maintream media who used sensational, misleading, selective stats and anecdotal stories of extreme cases to scare the dumbshit public regarding a feminist cause du jour.

the public then mindlessly demands harsher and harsher laws for criminals.
crimes like sex trafficking and slavery seem widespread thanks to media sensationalism whereas the actual number of such cases is miniscule.

if one were to believe such blatantly false statistics, (the WORST being the one in every 3 women have been raped, and the old 98% of all rapes are true canard)
(and most people do) fabricated by the feminists and then parroted by the mainstream media to create a moral panic,
then you'd expect every other girl you come across on the street to have
a black eye or bloodied lip.

the public bought this lie, and then demanded extreme penalties for only
one gender and thats why you have laws like vawa hanging over every mans head ready to
strike.in exactly the same way, women are terrified, and teach their children to be( sadly,unfortunately) scared of all male strangers.

only one lil problem -a MERE 200 child abductions each year in this country are committed by strangers.thaT's a doj, fbi stat.in a country of over 300 million.

it's the parents, usually women, naturally, that abscond with the kid(s) without bothering to inform anyone. same with child molestation, it's almost EXCUSIVELY done by a relative.

the fake 'war on terror' is another example of this. are you american? o.k, guess what? surprise! your odds of being attacked by a polar bear,AND hitting the lottery in the same day are fantastically better than being killed by a 'terrorist'.

and don't bother giving me that shit about u.$ 'soldiers' being killed overseas by so called terrorists. theyre being shot at because they are foreign imperialists in a SOVEREIGN country by nationalists.
no one over there wants u.s to be there! NOBODY

AND the bullshit 'war on drugs'? you guessed it, same shit. media sensationalism, hysteria strike again.

remember the early 2000's? when maybe 2 people danced all NIGHT after taking the harmless rave drug ecstacy, passed out, died( hey, ya dance 8 hours straight and don't hydrate? that can easily kill you WITHOUT taking ANY drug.

so,new and harsher laws were passed to lock up anyone in possession of x.and the prisons are now packed full of non violent drug offenders, MOSTLY possession, not dealers, and small time dealers at that.

and with the ever growing amount of dudes in there for not paying child support, debtor's prison has made an unwelcome return.
'newsflash!' in this mancession, 80% of the newly unemployed are men!

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