Thursday, June 17, 2010

bp exec refers to 'small people'

now now, dont be upset by his comments. you ARE small people.and you love it that way. cant figure out for the LIFE of me WHY youre so HAPPY at this massive wealth divide.AND some of you morons still vote republican. wtf?

update! bp ceo hayward was filmed enjoying a nice boat ride and has been criticized for enjoying himself?! hey now,dont begrudge what ceo's do! and you love em for making millions a month. now, who's being anti-capitalist? i bet he even had sex with a supermodel after his boat trip and sipped some expensive champagne afterwords. don't be jealous, you too could easily be billionaires if you simply just 'changed your thinking'! haha

so, NOW you have a full fledged oligarchy, congratulations, but i'm not one of the 1 percent, so, i'd dearly LOVE to see this country go socialist.and maybe a nice lil open class warfare, that would be real sweet.

i know, i know, you mindlessly believe billionaires deserve their billions. they worked hard for it huh? AND you think youre going to be one of them one day, right? breaking news: no, you won't. keep reading the secret book, you're STILL gonna die broke.

whenever i get upset about these billionaires, you get pissed off at ME for

being 'anti-wealth' and a 'socialist' for wanting REAL wealth redistribution.

i talk to a lot of you morons who are thrilled hedge fund managers 'earn'? 4 billion a year.

but not to worry! like those vile nasty greedy 9/11 widows who sued EVERYONE after 9/11 and all subsequently hit the lottery-

so shall the oyster shuckers, who make around 20 grand a year.

now, with the 20 billion dollar shakedown. THEY are ALL about to hit the lottery also.

best thing ever happened to a shrimper, lemme tell ya!

if id ONLY know this accident was going to happen, i wouldve bought a boat,
moved to
n.o, started shrimping, fuckkk, by next year i couldve have been a multi millionaire! shhhiiitttt

and you gas guzzling hypocrites STILL havent consumed one less drop of oil.

just on cnn: the niger delta has experienced an exxon valdez sized spill each yr for the past 50 years,
dont hear much about that though.
thats why im HAPPY its happening to colonial empire amerikkka

and in more good news. the u.$ occupation of afghanistan is going badly. awwww thats too bad for those cowards over there killing civilians for my ever shrinking 'freedoms'.

americans GLADLY sold their souls and jobs to corporations decades ago, STOP whining now, fools.

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