Wednesday, June 2, 2010

fra's / founder of rainn-tori amos-liar

i'm sick of hearing about 'equality' from feminists. obviously, it's about more power and control of men, not 'equality', but female supremacy.

im also incensed at the epidemic of false rape claims.

no dna? no witnesses? the woman should simply be sent home and not believed.

tori amos, queen of the false 'rape' liars? possibly.should washed up old lady tori retire? DEFINETLY.

really though. the QUEEN of the fake rape liars is that pos crystal mangum.she accused the entire duke lacross team. not only was she easily discredited, she is now facing murder charges. i hope she gets LIFE.the ONLY good thing to come out of that horrendous miscarriage of justice is that she has cast big time doubt on the thousands of other false rape accusers out there. for that, thank you whore.

here's tori's version of her 'assault' in her own words: 'i WILLINGLY accepted a ride from a fan i KNEW well, and he kept me in the car, drove around for an hour as he( more like, we)( tori admits to trying basically every drug known) looked for drugs, then he let me go'( years later she said she was never 'penetrated'.uh,isn't that what rape is? lol)

when i mention THAT to her fans,they get wild. 'you dont know what she went through, even is she wasnt physically assaulted, she experienced 'psychological hell'.oh-k

yep, that's it! she never went to the hospital or the cops.

when queried as to WHY she didnt report said 'rape' she responded in typical fashion: 'the cops would have never believed me'. translation: no rape occured.

yea,i've also heard this one from some of these 'rape' victims': 'i didnt KNOW i could report it'. really now?

no 'rape' here folks, she KNEW this guy? wow, o.k that makes it especially easier to arrest, and where is this guy? in 20 years of being in the the lime, mostly lime, light, he's never come out of the shadows? why not ? statue of limitations has long since expired and tori doesnt want to press charges.

because of her claim that she was 'assaulted' she became the POSTER girl for rape. hey, she made a fortune,and thats ALL that REALLY matters.
oh yeah, MANY of her biggest fans have told me they know she wasnt even touched! but still say that 'raising awareness' is good. huh? raising awareness of what exactly?

i say fucking liars like tori amos suck.

she made a career, in large part, due to her song 'me and a gun'(the song is about her 'attack').its also curious that after the last time she was questioned about her false 'rape' she said,and i quote- 'i'll never speak of this again'-. uh huh, but, she had no problem singing 'me and a gun'at the next 500 shows she did. o.k right it was TOO
'painful' for her to talk about, but had no qualms about singing it( to further her career and popularity among other career fra's)

and found a niche among a cult of mentally disturbed misfits- lesbian/ gay outcasts and professional, career 'victims'.

'' dont take my songs as autobiographical'' sayeth tori - i dont!

so, why do i even mention tori amos? i mean,there's been PLENTY of women who've made up false rape tales, but in addition to that, tori FOUNDED RAINN.

and rainn is infamous, along with NOW for spreading blatantly proven false, completely invented rape and dv 'stats'. in addition, one is encouraged to call rainn for 'support' if you've been raped.

i suggest going to the police if it was a real rape, i.e a stranger.
not drunk sex with b/f, ex-b/f 'regret rape'.

worst part is,tori is a faux feminist. having had plenty of boyfriends, married, with a kid at age 47 is NOT how real feminists wind up. at best, they have cats.

now, these crazy misandrists have targeted me! the url is below.

this pretentious asexual tori 'fan' > @angiezherself on twitter) is the admin of 'toriphorums') aka

for a great laugh, go to:

the thread is titled 'warn tori, or her 'people' referring to moi! haha, i love that thread.

i just got back from bonnaroo, and i STILL didnt have the urge to shoot tori, and i was backstage, REAL close.

maybe next time, but shes simply not worth a ten cent bullet,or spending the rest of my life in prison. sorry.

update! the above url is correct, but miss pretentious, asexual, @angiezherself finally took down the pics and libel of me! those civil lawsuits suck i guess.

still some empty threats and falsehoods about me from idiots i've never even met,like shireen86, many more. but it's definetly an improvement.

p.s. for more information on false rape accusations, the best on the net:
also, check out my thread entitled 'wave of false rape claims in fla..'

in that thread, are links from independent, unbiased, impartial studies that PROVE 50% of all rape claims are false. in fact, EVERY research study ive EVER read ALWAYS leads to the conclusion that 50% of all rape claims are later proven false.

a far cry from feminists ridiculous statements that only 2% are false. oops. someones lying. it COULDNT be women. could it?


  1. well, im all for free speech. but i have to delete comments from feminists that personally attack me. now, eivind berge? he'll never delete.
    for the record, uh, no, this blog is def not satire. hypergamy, affirmative action for women
    and their extreme choosiness have left good guys like me ALONE.
    and, for your information, this a decidedly feminist culture. with courts, cops, media, congress. senate in womens control.
    you passed 'equality' a long time ago.
    feminism is all about more control and power over men.
    all of you american women practice hypergamy.
    instead of typing and attacking me, you should be out finding your dream(wealthy) man.!
    the matriarchy is ascendant, dont be sore winners!

  2. o.k for the 17th time. its NO joke.
    you dont live in the u.s i assume.
    if you did, you'd know i live in a feminist culture.
    it WAS a patriarchy.
    it is not now.
    it is a matriarchy.
    once you vist here, or worse, move here.
    heres the kind of power you will yield:
    you can make ANY claim against ANY man, be it 'rape' battery ( no bruises, cuts, broken bones, etc neccessary), and here's the 'big' 'surprise'. the cops aka pigs, will AUTOMATICALLY believe you AND ARREST the 'perpetrator'. true, most of these lies come out later as shown in the link above, but unfortunately, the man has to spend this> $$$$$$$$$ to get out from under this.
    yay! says the misandrists!
    boo from guys like me who have lived the bullshit lies and no evidence of any crime commited nightmare.
    THATS the power women have in this country! to have any man arrested at any time, and the 'white night' cops come to your 'rescue'.
    so, to repeat again: women control the courts, cops, judges, congress, senate, media.
    go on and believe that 1 in every 3 women are raped in this dumbass country if you want to.
    60 million raped? please be joking. otherwise, if youre not joking, how embarrasing for you feminists and depressing for men in the u.s.
    i rely ONLY on doj and fbi statistics.
    in 2007, 200,000 men were ARRESTED. for some type of 'sexual battery'.
    now, since i long ago established that fully HALF of all rape accusations are later PROVEN false, that makes that figure 100,000. ARRESTED.
    figure on at least half that charges were never made, or dropped later on. ( yes ladies, da's sometimes have a hard time convicting a man of rape esp when its his ex,and/or you were drunk at the time and regret the sex,trying to get a man convicted sometimes calling the police years later!
    so, back on topic.
    a few thousand men a year get arrested, CONVICTED OF RAPE. but for sake of this 'debate' ill give you some real slack.lets say, just for fun, that 20,000 men got arrested, and convicted of rape in the year 2007, out of 200.000 men arrested for ALL forms of sexual battery, which btw includes a 17 yr old having sexs with his 15-16 yr old girlfriend!
    o.k 20,000 men.
    how exactly does that EVER add up to 1 in every 3 raped( 60 million) according to now, the national org for women. or even the less ridiculous, but still whopping made up figure ive read from feminist sites of 1 in every 6 women raped in the u.s?
    please be joking.
    like wmd in iraq, spreading 'freedom' around the globe by dropping bombs on anyone, everyone who wont do what amerikkka tells them to do, fake wars on terrorism, patheic failed war on drugs( which HAS to the delight of feminists resulted in a helluva lot of men locked up) its ALL lies and PROPAGANDA.
    and its very depressing indeed!
    of the over 2 million men locked up in this republic, really, its an oligarchy, but i digress.
    60 % are in prison for non violent drug crimes
    30% for theft and/or burglary.
    with a WHOPPING one percent locked up solely for sexual battery!
    and i WISH it was a joke.

  3. You're nuts. & I'm a dude.
