Monday, June 21, 2010

amerikkka's murderous legacy

whats the total number of dead since america 'liberated' iraq from saddam?

the consensus is approx 1.1 million by now,and 2 million + refugees, and their infrastructure obliterated by u.$ 'smart' bombs
if i were iraqi, i wouldve walked out of iraq years ago, so wonderful has america
been to them. and millions have.

it's difficult to come up with a precise number of civilians killed by benevolent amerikkka in the last 200 years, but i'll give it the ol' college try:

1. 2 million american indians.i figure at least tens of thousands of african american slaves worked to death, hanged, etc. tens of thousands of chinese worked till dead on the railroads.
2. at least a hundred thousand mexicans in the stealing of what is now known as texas.
3. approx 2.5 million german civilians deliberately targeted in ww2
4. at least 2.5 million japanese civilians in massive firebombings and 2 atomic bombs
5. approx 100,000 iraqi soldiers killed while in RETREAT from kuwait in the usual cowardly airstrikes in the first gulf war( slaughter)
6.another 1 million iraqi's, mostly children, starved to death because of sanctions in the 1990's
7. i'll be generous here: a 'mere' 250,000 afghani's killed, drone missiles,yknow, the usual cowardly airstrikes since 2001.
8 at least 2 million vietnamese killed, y'know, the USUAL, cowardly airstrikes on civilians, napalm, high explosives,landmines, and agent orange STILL causing daily deaths in vietnam.
9. panama? nicarauga? dont really know
10. yemen ? unknown, the usual, cowardly drone airstrikes,figure at least thousands.
11. pakistani civilians? at a minimum, tens of thousands, uh, yep, cowardly drone missile airstrikes.
12. tens of thousands of palestinians and lebanese killed by american weapons by proxy murderers israel.
13. iranian deaths? gotta ask obama on that one. will it be a full scale invasion or merely a carpet bombing of a nation with all the military might of a boy scout troop? ask mr peace prize.
and all in the name of spreading peace, 'stability' 'security' for all, yea, o.k

whats the grande' total anyway? 20 million dead? 10 million maimed?
i need to do a lil more collating to come up with a more accurate total murder number, did i miss something? feel free to add.


  1. i dont believe those stats, or that The National Organisation For Women declared this. Where's the direct quote for that?

    Feminism isn't about bringing men down, it's about liberating women. I think men who try to denounce feminism are afraid of it, for no good reason.

  2. Feminism isn't about bringing men down, it's about liberating women.

    Totally, fundamentally wrong. You are either incredibly naive or think men are stupid enough to fall for your bullshit. Liberation for men and women cannot coexist, because we usually don't want the same thing. In truth, women can only be liberated at men's expense and vice versa. It is a zero-sum game. Men want access to women's bodies. Women want to prevent this except for alphas and generally sell themselves as expensively as possible. If we cannot gain sexual access peacefully, through love, it is war. Men are increasingly finding it impossible to find a mate when women are so liberated, leaving us with no option but violence. Rape is not a good solution but it is making the best of a bad job.
