Wednesday, June 9, 2010

matriarchy ascendant/ men disenfranchised

ebay ceo whitman spent some 81 million to buy an election.
pocket change for her,
and being a man in this country IM the one with the power, lol
of course, voting is for morons who REALLY havent been paying attention.
'we' are going to 'take back this country'
who's this 'we'?
this is not my country.
i live in it, thats the extent of my involvement
i've been marginalized big time. why, how? you ask?
its BECAUSE women have tremendous sexual power and men have none.

as samuel johnson put it,'nature has given women so much power, the law has very wisely given them very little'.
NOW women have everything men have AND all theier sexual power on top of that.
this means men are marginalized
its a police state
run by radical feminists hell bent on power that tortures and bombs the world.

i hear the following all the time:
'youre crazy' 'see a therapist'
sorry big pharma has done such a number on you!

im angry because of the world i live in, not because of your imagined and projected 'mental conditions'.
americans are brainwashed dumbed down idiots.

now, iran sanctions also include that they cant buy even CONVENTIONAL weapons?, i guess they have no right to defend themselves from the this evil empire.

so predictably, like her war loving propagandist predecessor condi rice,war loving hillary clinton applauds these new sanctions.

just heard on the news that fbi are shooting and killing mexican civilians now, 17 so far this year and just shot and killed a 15 yr old allegedly for 'throwing rocks'.

hey, mexico is angry about this, isnt there a pill they can all take?
shouldnt all mexicans 'see a therapist' enmasse?
well, whats good for israel is apparently o.k here also.

YOUVE got one fucked up country here that NO pill will fix.
i can talk to a therapist till im blue in the face and it wont make you women any less hypergamous.
and theres also NO pill i can take that will make me love your cowardly, corrupt cops who routinely tazer and/ or shoot unarmed men
( and get away with it, yknow, 'justified shooting')
future looks very bleak

good news for you feminists out there though. 'yay' for you-

80% of the unemployed in this mancession are men. mainstream media doing a GREAT job of never mentioning that.

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